CS373 Spring 2021: Week 3

Jyoti Luu
3 min readFeb 7, 2021


What did you do this past week?

This past week was pretty busy with classes and homework. I did get to spend some time outdoors, enjoying the short season of spring that Austin has to offer.

What’s in your way?

Time. I think managing time for all my classes and friends and family is definitely one of the most challenging things I face currently. It’s really easy to fall behind in lectures when they are asynchronous, so I need to catch up on some classes before I start my assignments for the next week.

What will you do next week?

Next week I need to start and finish the first project for this course. I also have a couple of weekly assignments for all of my other classes, so I will work on those. In addition, I am trying to prep for interviews and apply to new positions incrementally.

If you read it, what did you think of the Continuous Integration?

After reading the paper, I am convinced that Continuous Integration is a great practice to find and fix bugs quickly. I think it’s efficient and effective, and I am excited to become more experienced in the practice through this course, so I can hopefully take this with me into the workplace.

What was your experience of Collatz? (this question will vary, week to week)

Still have not yet started… But after this week, I know that I will need to perform some optimizations to the code like caching to improve performance. I also know we can use checktestdata to help generate the input needed for our acceptance tests.

What was your experience of exceptions? (this question will vary, week to week)

Exceptions are good for user errors. There are several ways to get around using exceptions, however, we want to use exceptions when we can so that our errors do not propagate through our program unnoticed — with exceptions we can easily see if there’s a problem since our program will immediately crash.

What made you happy this week?

I had an early, socially-distanced Lunar New Year celebration with my family. We made tons of different Asian foods and just had a really nice time talking and enjoying the beautiful weather.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

Over the winter I used freeCodeCamp to learn more about Responsive Web Design which entailed a 300-hour certification program covering HTML, CSS, and other web design principles. I think it’s one of the better coding web applications I have used because the curriculum is heavily modularized into very digestible, bite-sized pieces of content. It has an interactive IDE too, which helps you learn through doing, which is my preferred way of learning. Also, even though 300-hours seems daunting for one course, I think in general, it does not take nearly that long, especially if you already have some coding background!



Jyoti Luu
Jyoti Luu

Written by Jyoti Luu

I am a senior at The University of Texas at Austin studying Computer Science. I am interested in Full Stack Development in web and mobile applications.

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